1·D. A. pressured companies to reduce salt in those products, the industry said that doing so would ruin the taste of the foods already low in sugar and fat.
2·When the F.D.A. pressured companies to reduce salt in those products, the industry said that doing so would ruin the taste of the foods already low in sugar and fat.
3·Then, from the 1960s the Fed adhered to Keynesian theories and was pressured by the White House and Congress to prioritise low unemployment.
4·Is mainly the high-pressured water generator, the valve pipeline fitting, the automation control level is low, the experience are few.
5·Transport though long distance pressured pipeline has the characteristic of steadiness, continuity, safety, reliability, being unpolluted, little material, small needed area and low cost etc.
6·Then, a fuel-fired low-pressured hot-water boiler is employed as an example to illustrate the proposed method.
在 此基础上, 给出了燃油低压热水锅炉的不确定度分析模型及 评定实例。
7·Aqueous foam usually exhibit excellent post fracture cleanup characteristics when used in stimulating abnormally low-pressured reservoirs or reservoirs that present post fracture cleanup problem.